
Short version-

My Sound World from Museleon on Vimeo.

Longer version-

My Sound World (Longer version) from Museleon on Vimeo.

I was interviewed about my sound practice, so I decided to make a short film.
All the photographs are my own and have appeared sonically in many of my tracks, in one form or other.
Many thanks to Lewis Harrower (@LewisHarrower on twitter) for asking me about my sound world and allowing me to use the soundfile.

After 19 years as an electronic musician under another guise, I finally decided to create a project which allows me to break away from some of the conventions that I have used elsewhere.

I have been experimenting more with sound and to finally produce my own tracks. I use a range of field recordings, found sounds and hardware with minimal processing as I’ve always been interested in how sound can morph into beautiful complex patterns with the limited use of tech and processing. It’s the ‘small sounds’, anomalies, mistakes and the sounds ‘between’ that catch my ear.

Many of the pieces I create are based on images and things I see, which act as a type of graphic score and increasingly I am using one field recording solely as the basis for the track I am creating, referring to my music as Sound Pictures.

I then create artwork to accompany the tracks.

The majority of the music is created to be listened via headphones to get the full effect.

You can find me here at the following places –



